Signs Your Switchboard Might Need An Upgrade

Signs Your Switchboard Might Need An Upgrade

The heart of your home’s electrical system, your switchboard is responsible for distributing power to the different parts of your house.

It’s safe to say that modern homes are pretty reliant on electricity.

With appliances, gadgets and smart technology galore, it’s crucial that your switchboard can handle the ever-increasing electrical load.

But, how do you know if your switchboard is up to the task?

Well, you can keep reading to find out. We are revealing the clear signs that you may need a switchboard upgrade.

What Is A Switchboard?

A switchboard is also known as a fuse box or an electrical panel. Its job is to manage the flow of electricity throughout your home. It does that by directing electricity from the main power line to the different electrical functions in your home, like lighting, power points and major appliances.

It manages the flow of electricity by separating the electrical load into various circuits. Each of those circuits is protected by a fuse or circuit breaker. If too much electricity flows through an individual circuit, then the fuse will blow or the circuit breaker will trip to cut the power to that area and prevent damage from occurring.

The switchboard is your central hub of electricity, allowing you to control or turn off the flow to certain circuits. If you know there is a fault that needs repairing, you can simply shut off the power to that specific circuit.

In theory, by evenly distributing the electrical load across the various circuits of your home, the switchboard ensures your entire electrical system can handle the power demands of your house without overloading any single circuit. But, that theory goes out the window if the switchboard itself is out of date and in need of an upgrade.

7 Signs Your Switchboard Needs An Upgrade

  1. Danger Signs - Smells, Sparks or Sounds

    A switchboard should operate quietly. If you hear buzzing or humming coming from yours, it could be a sign that your system is struggling to keep up with your home’s electrical needs. Likewise, if your switchboard smells hot, or even worse, it smells smoky, it’s definitely time to get it looked at by an electrician. These signs could be an indication that the components inside are overheating.

    Another real danger sign is if you ever experience mild electrical shocks when plugging in an appliance or notice sparks coming from your power outlets. Both shocks and sparks indicate that the electrical current is not being safely contained which can potentially lead to electrocution or an electrical fire.

    If you notice any of these critical signs, then your switchboard needs some urgent attention. You need to get in touch with the Retrolec team right away so that we can determine the issue and provide a safe solution for your family.

  2. Frequent Blown Fuses or Circuit Breaker Trips

    A clear sign that your switchboard is under a large amount of strain is if your circuit breakers are constantly tripping or fuses are repeatedly blowing. It usually means that your switchboard is unable to handle the power demands that your home’s appliances and electrical needs are putting on it. Instead, it just cuts off power to prevent overheating or damage. While one breaker trip isn’t always a cause for concern, frequent instances indicate your switchboard may need an upgrade.

  3. Ceramic Fuses

    Does your switchboard still have ceramic fuses? Once a standard electrical installation, they are now outdated technology that can be a fire risk if they overheat or blow. As we’ve already mentioned, modern switchboards use circuit breakers which are much safer and more efficient. Upgrading from ceramic fuses will significantly improve the safety of your home.

  4. Flickering Lights

    If your lights flicker or dim when you turn on certain appliances, it can be a sign that your switchboard is overloaded and unable to supply enough energy to power both your lights and appliances at the same time. A switchboard upgrade will help your electrical systems keep up with your energy demands.

  5. A Reliance on Plug Spiders or Extension Cords

    Are you always on the hunt for a plug spider or an extension cord? This is a sign that your home does not have enough power points. Unfortunately, simply installing more is not always the answer. Before you can do that, you need to establish whether your current circuits can handle an increased load. Upgrading your switchboard allows more circuits to be added so that additional power points can be installed safely.

  6. Age of the Switchboard

    If the switchboard in your home has not been upgraded for 20 years or more, then there is a chance that it is outdated. Modern appliances, smart home devices and today’s heating systems can create huge electrical demand and an outdated switchboard may not be up to the task. An overloaded switchboard is unsafe as it can potentially overheat or catch fire.

  7. Changing Electrical Needs

    Adding technology to make your home a smart home? Renovating or extending? Or maybe you intend to purchase a major appliance like a heat pump, air conditioning unit, spa pool or an electric vehicle charger?

    If any of these are on the cards at your place, you need to ensure your switchboard can handle the increased load. Many older switchboards were not designed with modern power needs in mind, an upgrade will ensure your home can safely handle the extra energy consumption.

Why Upgrading Your Switchboard Is Important

Upgrading your switchboard is not just about adding extra appliances or powerpoints to your home, it is about ensuring the safety and efficient operation of your entire electrical system. An outdated switchboard can lead to a range of issues, like power outages and in extreme cases, even electrical fires. That’s why upgrading your switchboard is not just an annoying cost, it’s a smart investment.

With improved safety and better energy efficiency, you’ll be able to use your electrics with confidence. And, as your home becomes more reliant on technology, you can ensure you are able to add additional circuits and powerpoints to accommodate those needs and live in your home the way you really want to!

Time For A Safer Home?

Noticed any of the danger signs we just listed? Maybe you are unsure of whether your switchboard is up to the task of handling your electrical needs?

If there is any question, don’t wait.

Rather, contact our team of qualified electricians today so we can schedule a time to inspect your switchboard and provide our best safety recommendations. We’ll help ensure your home is energy efficient and ready for the demands of modern living.

Drop us a line now.